Resolutions of 2015

New Year's Resolutions
2015 Edition

  1.  Finish Bucket List before my 30th birthday.
  2. Read a book once a month. I didn't get to complete this resolution last year, so I'm going to attempt it again this year. Wish me luck! *Crossing Fingers*
  3. Pay off one of my credit cards. I don't know what happened, but I was so close to achieving this goal last year! I recently looked at all my credit card bills after Christmas and I've taken a big hit. It's time to do something about it.
  4.  Be more positive and open in life. My attitude, in general, definitely needs some fine tuning. I feel like I need to be more positive and fight off the negativity that comes my way. I also need to be more open to change, different people, and experiences this year.
  5. *Secret Resolution*  - I don't want to write this one out yet, but once it happens, and trust me, I'm definitely working on this one, I will update you guys on it. The people that are closest to me know what this is.

So, there you have it...My top five resolutions for 2015. I really hope I'm more successful this year than I was last. What are some of your New Year's Resolution?

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