Thursday, August 25, 2011


Isn't my goddaughter beautiful?!

My oldest and dearest friend, Raechel sent this to me today and I'm absolutely shocked at how big she has gotten. She is soo pretty I can't even stand it! Time sure does fly by! I'm sure the next time I blink or something, she will be a teenager. Haha just kidding! I'm definitely going to feel really old when that time comes.

Raech, if you're reading this, I miss you and Kyleigh! I can't wait until the next time we see each other!

day 7.

Hello all!

I know it's been quite some time since my last update, but I've been working so much that I'm just so tired when I get home. I did go away for a couple of days, but I'll save that for another post with pictures and all. :)

So for the past month, I've come to realize how dependent I've become to coffee. I only have one cup a day and some of you are probably like "Oh that's nothing!" But it's been really bad for me lately. If I miss a day, I get this terrible headache and it becomes so hard to function. I also get super moody. It's not a pleasant work place when Phoebe is in a terrible mood. Just ask my co-workers. Haha.

So I decided to kick this very bad addiction to the curb and I am proud to tell you that it has been 7 days since my last cup of coffee! Woohoo! The first couple of days has been tough, but the headaches are gone. I still yearn for it every now and then, but I try to substitute it with other things such as chocolate. Haha.

Well I gotta get back to my lunch. Can't be wasting food! Haha. Until next time!