Yay! Another place to blog. I have to admit that I do blog elsewhere; however, I tend to quickly get bored of one place and thought it was best to retire from my old blog for now. So here I am! I've found another home. Hopefully, this stay will be more permanent. I'm pretty sure my loyal readers (haha yeah right!) are getting annoyed with trying to keep up with me. So I apologize! =)
Lately, I've been such a private person with many ideas and emotions floating around in my head. I do love to write in my journal, but to be honest, writing with a pen and paper can easily get tiring. Especially with technology today, it's very hard not to take advantage of little things such as the computer and websites like these. So I will try my best to update as much as possible and share with you guys what I'm going through in my life. I am just 24 years old. I'm pretty sure (and hope) many exciting things are in store for me!
Well that's it for now. Tomorrow I'll introduce myself more and even talk about how my Zumba workout went. Haha. Until then...

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