Since I'm pretty exhausted at the moment and can't really post a substantial blog, I thought I'd let you enjoy a few pictures I've managed to find on my Blackberry. Haha. =)

How cute is this picture?! This is my beautiful goddaughter Kyleigh enjoying the Tinkerbell ball pit I bought for her! She's just the cutest thing! Look at that smile! I guess she likes my gift!

Me and Kate. I love this little poopie! She has the loudest bark ever and loves to lick everyone and everything. Oh, I mean everything. Haha.

And this is her sister Bella! She's soo lazy and cuddly! Definitely has a different personality from Kate even though they spend every hour of the day together and love to follow one another. I love those two girls! <3>

I don't remember if I mentioned in one of my previous blogs about my new favorite gadget at the moment, which is my Barnes & Noble Nook! I've already read two books and in the process of reading a third one. I really love it! Of course, I do miss the process of turning a page, but it's so convenient having this thing. I won't have a whole bunch of books laying around in my room anymore. Well anyway, about the picture. I bought a really fun case for it at I wasn't too crazy about the cases they were selling at Barnes & Noble so I searched online and found this really cute red one! I just love it! I also love (and craving at the moment) Mocha Frappucinos from Starbucks!

And finally, currently my favorite snack... Pretzel M&M's!! They're soooo good! If you haven't tried it yet, you don't want to miss out! I do wish they would bring back the Crispy M&M's. They were really good too. Haha.
Well that's it for now. Hope you guys are having a wonderful week!

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