Well enough of that. How was everyone's Fourth of July weekend? Mine was pretty good!
Last Friday, I first spent a couple of hours at work. I work at an awesome Orthodontist office as an Orthodontist Assistant, but that Friday we didn't have any patients coming in so I went in to do some paper work and help the front desk answer the phones. After work, I spent the early evening at the mall with my favorite gals! I went with my sisters Pam and Peejay and my mom and also met up with my best friend Lyssa. We had a cousin's wedding to attend to the day after and wanted to help Mama dear look for a lovely dress. It worked out well because Lyssa and I also needed to buy our other best gal pal Sheila a birthday present. Of course we all found what we needed to get.
After the mall, I went to Lyssa's house for dinner. She made me the best spaghetti ever!...well not really the best because my spaghetti is best. =P Just kidding. It was pretty delicious. Then the birthday girl (technically it wasn't really her birthday because her real birthday wasn't until that Saturday) came over and she opened her gift. Sheila and her husband had recently purchased the cutest starter home and Lyssa and I decided that the only thing she was missing in her kitchen was an electric mixer. So what did we buy her? The Kitchen Aid mixer in Metallic Chrome to match all her other appliances in her kitchen! Look how happy she is!! Haha.
We then spent the rest of the night watching a movie and catching up with one another. It's been a while since we had a girls night like that. Oh how I've missed those two! That is something we definitely need to do more often.
Then Saturday, we had to travel all the way to Northampton, MA for my cousin Cristina's wedding. So we had to wake up early and get all dolled up for the wedding and travel two and half hours. It was a great road trip I must say. I always have a great time with the whole entire family just talking and telling jokes. The wedding was also nice. The bride look great and they just both looked really happy together. To be honest, I kinda don't like weddings that much. I guess it's just the thought that I'm nowhere even close to having one of my own or even just have someone to be that in love with. Yes, you can say I get a bit bitter and jealous when it comes to weddings. Come on... I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels this way. Haha. Well anyway, it was awesome to see a lot of my relatives on my father's side again and also meet new ones. =) My family isn't really that close to any of our relatives on my father's side to begin with so hopefully that little reunion at the wedding will bring us closer to each other and see each other more often. Here's a picture of my beautiful family after the ceremony.
The following day, my family and I spent the afternoon at my mom's sister's house. They had a small BBQ for, of course, 4th of July and also it was a goodbye party for my Uncle and nephew who were going to the Philippines for a whole month. I spent that afternoon eating and laying on the long patio chairs and eating some more. I felt like such a beast that day, but I'm convinced I didn't gain that much weight because of the heat. I sweated all of it off. Haha. My cousins John, Macy and Mikey then went to watch the local fireworks. It was nice. There was a lot of people, but we still got a pretty good view of the show. It did, however, take us forever just to get back home. So much traffic. We ended back at my cousin's house and watched Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction. The four of us are such scaredy cats, but we love watching these things. We're just weird like that. Haha. =)
Then Monday, I went to my Lyssa's brother's house to swim. It was so hot that day and the water felt so great. I did get a little dark, which is a good thing because I've been in dire need of some color. Haha. Well that pretty much sums up my weekend. I had a great time spending them with family and friends. I do wish I got to spend some time with another person, but oh well. There's always next time.
Going to the city tomorrow to speak to my adviser about graduation in December. How exciting! I really can't wait to be all done with school. I definitely need a break and need to work more to pay off some of these bills. Haha. Well hopefully one more semester. *Crossing fingers!*
Since I am spending most of the day in Manhattan tomorrow, I was told by my sister Peejay to do something I haven't done before. She told me before my 25th birthday, I should do 25 things that I've always wanted to do. So tomorrow I'm determined to cross off one of the things on my list. Stay tuned for my list of 25 things to do before January 4!

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