- Continue to workout and lose weight. My goal is to weigh 115 or 120.
- Shop for new clothes. This is where I have to be smart though. I am currently losing body fat and I was thinking of buying an outfit like once every three weeks or once a month. Still haven't decided.
- Read more books. I recently bought myself the Nook and just finished a book last night.
- Work on second job...aka sell more Mary Kay products.
- Work on my 25 things to do before my 25th birthday.
Well, it's a short list, but I figured most of the things I can distract myself with will fall under the 25 things to do before my birthday list. A lot of them can definitely be done during my summer vacation...before my final semester. =) Saying final semester actually makes me happy. I can't wait to finish, but then I think about my birthday and I start to feel down again...
Sigh...my 25th birthday is in about 6 months and I'm nowhere close to where I wanted and pictured myself to be. I wanted to be done with school, have a career, and have my own apartment at least. I wanted to be engaged at the age of 25 with the man I've been with and love for about 3 years. I wanted to travel, but how can I when I've spent my money on worthless things. I should definitely add work on saving money on that distraction list. Haha. Thinking about the things I've wanted definitely opens my eyes. I'm probably doing something wrong in my life and I should fix it. That is what I should work on and maybe I won't have to think about him as much.
Well I guess that is it for now. Until next time...

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