What are some of the projects I have in mind? Well...I definitely need to organize my room and get rid of a lot things I do not use anymore. I have to be honest though, my closet has gotten better. That's actually one of the projects I've started like weeks ago and I'm close to being finished. I just need to go through one more section of it and donate. Then I need to tackle my desk. Oh boy, that one is going to be a pain! Haha. Another project I want to do is make cupcakes. I know, that's like the easiest thing in the world to do, but my best friend Lyssa got me this fun frosting deco pen for my birthday and I'm so excited to use it! I'm actually thinking about making cupcakes and giving them to my single friends for Valentine's Day (aka S.A.D. = Singles Awareness Day!)

Now doesn't that pen look so much fun to use?! Besides decorating, you can also use it to put surprise fillings in cupcakes! And instead of baking them in the oven, I'm going to use what my other best friend Sheila got me for Christmas. The Bella Cucina Cupcake Maker!

It makes 7 perfectly shaped cupcakes and only takes less than 10 minutes! Well, that' what I read, but we'll see. As soon as I make them, I'll take some pictures and share them with you guys. =)
Well this girl needs to get to bed. Have a great Friday!

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